“Unite with Yourself” Manju Jois
An URBAN OASIS * Small * Sincere * Serene *
ARE you visiting Juneau? We are conveniently located uptown, please join us and share your practice with us! Questions? Contact: stephanieyoga@hotmail.com
It’s Spring Break week – 3/23-31 The schedule is very modified.
“Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change,” J Rohn
Raven Yoga Shala was established from a passion to offer yoga to the world and connect people with a true yogic lineage. Raven Yoga Shala continues to grow as a response to members of our community who find Ashtanga and/or a Moving Meditation Vinyasa sequenced flow yoga class to be intimidating yet intriguing and want to be included in the many varied healing benefits the practice has to offer. Raven Yoga is light hearted, non-dogmatic, warm and encouraging environment free f competition and no expectations to fit within the westernized mold of yoga. Here you’ll find peace, joy and clarity of mind at this studio – not by sitting still and meditating but through hard-work, sweat and intense focus on the asana practices. We are yoga specialists in Moving Meditation and Ashtanga Yoga – See the class descriptions below. We work and as you will see body, mind, spirit, results with a consistent and focused practice with attention to correct form which establishes and thereby creates the function of every posture. This practice we do at Raven is REAL and comes from a long tradition of extended study of all things yoga and life. Stephanie has been moving her whole life-gymnastics, ballet, dance, tai chi, sports – running, biking, tennis, paddle boarding, child raising, and always looking for a creative approach in balancing all moving bodies. Stephanie is a certified yoga teacher authorized to teach Ashtanga Yoga by her esteemed teacher, Sri Manju Jois.
YOGAPOLITAN ~ Active YOGA Experience – Monday-Wednesday at 12:05
Vinyasa class designed to improve mobility and increase the body’s flexibility and strength. Focusing on the breath to movement flow, Vinyasa works to align your mind and body connection. During yoga classes at Raven Yoga Shala you will improve your strength and flexibility, and you will work to achieve harmony linking your mental and physical well-being. experience the “flowstate” in YOGAPOLITAN. Juneau’s most popular vinyasa classes. You will find a true yoga community in our classes. Flowing with friends and connecting with precious energies to sustain, create or empower your as a practice. Vinyasa classes unite spirit with strength and flexibility. Join us to deepen your understanding of “yoga & you”, produce a strong, lean and flexible body and bring calmness to your mind. Yogapolitan will put your energetic alignment and intelligent breath work to benefit your body, mind and spirit. This class is an intermediate level.
(⭐ YOGAPOLITAN II Flowstate Yoga – Coming soon! Offering a variety of poses, no two classes will be the same, with a focus on effortlessly moving from one posture to the next while using the breath to link each posture, this class is great for moving you into the flow state.On Hiatus
Flow is an optimal state of pure connection and immersion in the present moment. The ego falls away. Time dilates. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one. You begin to flow into the experience itself. Once the flow gets going, the brain releases all of the feel good endorphins like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Which is why the more flow we experience, the better we feel. …
Information how to join class (or drop-in) stephanieyoga@hotmail.com Venmo, cash or class card.)
Friday 12:05 The Mysore style of yoga asana practice is a particular way of teaching yoga within the Ashtanga Yoga tradition. There are some differences in this method from the usual modern way in which yoga is taught. The class is not “led” as a whole but rather all instruction is one-on-one within the group class setting. Students practice their own portion of the Ashtanga sequence of asanas at their own pace. The teacher may assist each student individually by giving physical adjustments & verbal instruction. (And sometimes on Monday too)
The Primary Series is the first set of yoga postures, considered most important and foundational, that are taught in Ashtanga Yoga. In this class you will be guided through the complete Primary Series with the traditional vinyasa count that links the breath and 48 postures. The count reinforces the flow of the practice. This practice helps practitioners deepen focus inward, learn to extend breath, and is meant to help detoxify and purify the body. This class is not suitable for beginning yoga students. However, If you have yoga experience and wish to try the class, please do — you are welcome to come and participate in as much of the class as you wish and then watch to see what the series looks like! The beginning of the class is mainly standing postures and many of the seated postures are accessible to many people
“second star to the right and just past morning” Fancy but not too fancy and lots of fun! . See the Schedule or pages for all updated information.